State of Nobu 2009. (Can't believe it's May already)
Work: Been hopping around everywhere since Razorfish --> JWT, MRM... hmm.. I guess that's about it. It's been good, although I sometimes wonder if I am not "progressing" in my work life. I'm just comfortable, going through the flow of things. I sometimes wonder if I would have stayed in one place, if I'd be an ACD or CD.... but very few creative directors freelance around. Don't even think about starting my own shop anymore.... thinking it's just too much effort. But should I be? (B+)
Apartment: Same place on St Marks. Love it... although rents been going up every year. Gonna try to tell them not to raise the rent for next year's lease because of the recession... not sure if they'll bite. Thought about moving to asia and even thought about LA... but what would I do in LA? (A-)
Games: haha. Played a lot of rockband, some naruto, 2k9 is always fun... but haven't touched my xbox in a while. I guess wait for call of duty modern warfare 2 and diablo 3. Such time wasters... but still enjoy it. (C)
Recent Purchases: Hmm... not much! No new bluray movies or anything! Recession! Although I bought A.P.C. shoes couple months ago. Oh... and bedsheets: mircofiber cotton ones from Macy's. VERY soft. easy to zzzzzzz..... (B)
Family: My parents just visited NY last week and it was fun taking them around. It's always good to see them, and I am truly blessed to have such kind hearted people as my parents. Brooklyn bridge, cloisters, grimaldi's, winter garden, the MET, Empire State Building, Brooklyn Botanical, Carrol St. to visit cousin, visited the UN, went to see broadway show. Next time I'll see them is probably summer when I come back for couple weddings. Congrats Ben/Eunice Henry/Naomi! (A)
Friends: yea, I have good friends. (B+)
Church: Still at redeemer. It was fun volunteering at the benefit for HFNY. Good reminder to give back to the city and help bring hope for people. (B)
Health: Fine. My right heel hurts a little bit.... Signed up for Japan Day race which is coming up. Gonna do an easy 4 miler. (A-)
Movie: Last movie I saw in the theaters was.... Watchmen. It was ok.... Want to watch Startrek though. (C)
TV: 24 & Lost (maybe i'll watch the season finale tonight) (B+)
Ok... enough blabbering. Sorry for the boring post....... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz