End of the year vegas trip. Fun fun. But 4 days and 3 nights is a just a little much. We stayed at Bally's "free" but with our combined losses, we could have stayed somewhere MUCH MUCH better. Oh well... you only live once! We saw Hefner's girls, Pete Rose signing autographs (but all alone which was sad), watched Lakers lose two days in a row (lucky I didn't bet money on them), watched crazy great ending to the Giants game, and ate really well as usual. No buffet this time... I think buffets are overrated.

Waiting for others to arrive in Vegas betting and watching sports. Cavs were 2 point underdog against Denver... so I bet on the Cavs... Cavs wins 105-88. Should have bet more...

Prettiest Dealer in Vegas! At Pussycat lounge At Caesar's Palace.

Fountain covered with berries

The guys. (not sure what timmy is doing)

Judy with goldfish.

The rich couple

The gang

Yummy! Delmonico's Bone-in Rib Eye!

Figuring out how much to gamble away... Naa... just paying for food.

Cathouse at Luxor. Burlesque themed club.

Jeff found money! 1¢...